LSU MS Gulf Coast Alumni Association's About Us and Membership page!

LSU Alumni MS Gulf Coast Chapter is designed to serve local alumni of LSU of all years including the many fans that grace this wonderful coast line.  We are in process of developing this site and our association to better serve our community of LSU fans and Alumni.  If you have always wanted to join an outstanding University such as LSU now is your chance!  Please print our the form below.  Fill out and return to the address below to reserve your spot with our organization.  Remember anyone can join, we just ask that you bleed purple and gold (not really lol).  Visit our contact us page to send in any questions or comments you may have.

Our Address:
LSU Alumni MS Gulf Coast Chapter
P.O. Box 2071
Gulfport, MS 39505

Membership Dues are $50 a year and gives you membership with LSU Alumni Association.

Please print out the form below and mail with your $50 to the address above.

Click Here to Print Membership Form

Gulf Coast Chapter


To:  All alumni and friends of Louisiana State University

From:  LSU Alumni MS Gulf Coast Chapter


The LSU Alumni Association of the MS Gulf Coast is an organization created to bring together alumni and friends of LSU for the purpose of camaraderie and to promote the best interests of the school and community by fostering enthusiasm, involvement, and by funding an annual scholarship awarded to a local LSU student.  The organization is also open to former students, supporters and fans of LSU.


We hope that you will become part of this exciting newly reorganized group, offering your opinions and insight, ultimately enabling us to become a vibrant organization reaching out to all alumni in our area. 


Please consider supporting this organization by becoming a member.  Annual Membership fees are $50.00, and is a joint membership for our Chapter along with the LSU Alumni Association in Baton Rouge, LA.




Membership Form (Please complete and return this section with a check or money order made payable to LSU Alumni MS Gulf Coast Chapter, P. O. Box 2071, Gulfport, MS 39505.) This year we are proposing joint LSUAA/LSUAMGC dues of $50.

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________Email: _________________________________

Occupation: _______________________ Business Phone: ________________________

Alumni (Date of Graduation)_____________ OR Alumni By Choice _________________

Names of others in household to be included in membership:

Please indicate what LSU activities you would be interested in seeing take place in our area:


____Social Activities                           ____Monthly Lunches


____Game View Ins                            ____Seafood Dinners/Crawfish Boils


____High School Recruitment            ____Holiday Parties (Christmas, Mardi Gras, etc.)


____Barbeques, Fish Fries, Picnics     ____Fundraising (golf tournament, draw downs)


____Speaker events                            ____Freshman send off parties


____Other (Please list):_____________________________________________________




If you are interested in serving on a committee for one of the above referenced activities, please list: _______________________________________________________




If you have other comments/ideas on how to improve our chapter, please explain:
